1. Work on Your Timing
When possible, your blog posts should be published and initially shared
at the most optimum time possible. There are studies which you can
review that provide aggregate activity levels for the major social
networks, but the only way you can know for sure when your followers are
most active is by monitoring your social media activity.
2. Invest Time in Your Headlines
Nothing is more important than the headline of your post. Often, that is the only part of your post that is seen or read.
3. Provide Social Sharing Buttons
This should go without saying, and yet I still see countless business
blogs that are not providing readers with easy to use buttons for social
4. Ask Readers to Share
Statistics have shown that adding Please RT to your tweets will increase
the number of retweets you receive dramatically. Using Please ReTweet
is even more effective. The psychology here is relatively simple. People
will often do what they're asked if it's simple enough. On Twitter,
clicking a retweet button takes just seconds and so your followers don't
mind doing it for you.
5. Share First
Finally, it's very important that you reciprocate likes and shares, as
your readers and other bloggers will appreciate it and be more motivated
to continue to support you. Similarly, if you are active on other blog
sites and are Liking and Sharing their content, those writers will be
more willing to
+1 and tweet your posts.