Thursday, March 12, 2015

How to use CMD "Command Promt"

Not everyone know about what command prompt really is?, and what is the use of command
prompt(cmd). Now i will show you the use of command prompt, and i will teach you on how to delete viruses and malware using command prompt(cmd). First i will show you what is command prompt?

Command Prompt, What is this?

Command Prompt is a command line interpreter application available in most Windows operating systems.Command Prompt is officially called Windows Command Processor but is also sometimes called the command shell or by its file name cmd.exe. It is also provides an entry point for typing MS‑DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) commands and other computer commands. The most important thing to know is that by typing commands, you can perform tasks on your computer without using the Windows graphical interface. Command prompt is use for some advanced users.

What’s the use of Command Prompt?

Command Prompt is used to execute and  entered commands without using the graphical interface of your Windows. Command Prompt is most and commonly used to execute a of batch files, it also performs an advanced administrative functions, and troubleshoot and solve certainly kinds of Windows problem.

Important commands in Command Prompt

To use Command Prompt, you must enter a valid command along with any optional parameters. Command Prompt then executes the command as entered and performs whatever task or function it’s designed to perform in Windows. Here some List of important commands in Command Prompt:

Ipconfig – This is a command use for seeing the ip address,subnet mask and default gateway also includes display and flush DNS cache, re-register the system name in DNS..  This will most useful tool for viewing and troubleshooting TCP/IP problem.

  • Ipconfig – Display the ip address, subnet mask and the default gateway.
  • Ipconfig/all – Display all the TCP/IP
  • Ipconfig/displaydns – Display the local DNS cache
  • Ipconfig/flushdns – Delete all the contents in local DNS cache
  • systeminfo – Display operating system configuration information for a local or remote machine, including service pack levels. It display the OS type, version, product ID, install date, boot time and hardware info (processor and memory).
  • tasklist and taskkill - This will show the list of task which are running, and the other step for this without using command prompt is ctrl+alt+del.
  • type -  Type is used to read the text document in command prompt .  You can read multiple text in continuously.
  • netstat – It provides valuable information of all connections and listening ports, including the executable used in the connections. It also display the Ethernet statistics, and resolve connecting host IP Addresses to a fully qualified domain name.
  • ping and tracert – This tools is use to check your network connectivity, Ping will test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network, while tracert (traceroute) is used to determine the route taken by packets across an IP network.
  • netsh – The powerful tool in command prompt, it is use for configuring and monitoring Windows computers from the command prompt. The capabilities of it are:

Configure interfaces
Configure filters
Configure routes
Configure remote access behavior for Windows-based remote access routers that are running the Routing and Remote Access Server (RRAS) Service
Display the configuration of a currently running router on any computer

As you can see netsh can do a lot. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, check out the following in  Microsoft article for more information  about  netsh.

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